At the Soglasnik Language Cooperative, highly qualified and experienced interpreters provide top-quality interpreting services. In addition to the very best interpreting in accordance with established international standards, we provide state-of-the-art equipment ensuring that an event will run smoothly.


At the Soglasnik Language Cooperative, highly qualified and experienced interpreters provide top-quality interpreting services. In addition to the very best interpreting in accordance with established international standards, we provide state-of-the-art equipment ensuring that an event will run smoothly.
What mode of interpreting do you need?


Whenever you are organising a major business meeting, an international event or conference, a seminar, a presentation or a lecture, simultaneous interpreting is the way to go.
Depending on the topic, we will choose the most suitable interpreter from among our bank of skilled interpreters. If the interpreting lasts more than an hour or if the content is very demanding, high quality can only be guaranteed by using two interpreters, who alternate every 20–30 minutes in accordance with the interpreting standards.
Simultaneous interpretation is provided using specialised interpreting equipment. Our project management team is happy to arrange this leaving you free to focus on the event itself.

Consecutive interpreting

If you require interpreting for a shorter speech or smaller event, such as a business meeting at your company premises or in the field, consecutive interpreting might be more suitable than simultaneous.
The interpreter will stand or sit right next to the speaker and interpret what they say every few minutes or after each substantially completed section.
Consecutive interpreting does not require interpreting equipment.


With Soglasnik as your interpreting provider, you will not need to worry about the interpretation process, as all the equipment is brought, installed and monitored at the venue. Interpreting equipment rental comprises the following:

  • professional installation of an ISO-certified booth and consoles,
  • connection to the existing conference room audio system OR setting up such a system (microphones and loudspeakers),
  • wireless IR receivers and headphones for interpretation users,
  • technical support of a technician throughout the event.
    At Soglasnik, we work with state-of-the-art and user-friendly equipment that allows the event to run smoothly.

Contact us. Together, we will discuss your translation project and expectations. This consultation is completely free of charge.

Don’t like forms?

Write us at or call us +386 64 222 744.


Jezikovna zadruga Soglasnik je za Institut »Jožef Stefan« v zadnjih letih tolmačila tri delavnice Evropske koordinacije jezikovnih virov (ELRC). Na dogodkih smo predstavljali strokovne ugotovitve na področju jezikovnih virov in tehnologij za slovenščino. Zadnji izmed teh dogodkov je bil še posebej zahteven za izvedbo zaradi tehničnih zahtev hibridnega dogodka, pri čemer sta se tolmački izjemno izkazali. Obenem sta se izvrstno odrezali tudi vsebinsko. Mednarodni udeleženci so bili navdušeni nad profesionalnostjo in strokovnostjo tolmačenja. Glede na to, da je imela publika pretežno jezikoslovno in jezikovnotehnološko ozadje, to pove veliko. Usposobljenost, prilagodljivost in zanesljivost so vrline, zaradi katerih se bomo v prihodnosti gotovo še obrnili na Jezikovno zadrugo Soglasnik.

Institut Jožef Stefan, Odsek za umetno inteligenco

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